Brian Kidd

Web and Multimedia Developer

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Brian Kidd

Brian Kidd

Full Stack JavaScript and UI Developer

Not all programmers started out as mathematical/computer geniuses. The genesis of my interest in programming began during my college days when I came across some band websites created by a friend and fellow musician of mine (He is now an accomplished Front End Developer). I perceived his websites as multimedia installations with not only attractive layouts via CSS, but with media players, videos, message boards et-cetera. This piqued my interest in Web Developing. However, I was nearing the end of my education in Journalism and Music, and for the next 10 years or so thought of Web Development as mostly a hobby I was passionate about.

Recently, the seed that was planted when I was an idealistic, early post-adolescent artist brought out the more scientific part of my being and I could not ignore my growing interest in Web Developing. I had to make it a top priority. So I started learning as much about programming as possible. During my flight into the worlds of web and software development, I discovered that Front End and UX Engineering are the most comfortable places for me to land.

What I mostly love about Web Developing is how it combines so many different disciplines from both art and science. This is the main reason I find developing so satisfying and why I strive to always do my best work and keep improving. My unique and perhaps somewhat unconventional path into programming gives me the skills to be both a valuable communicator and developer. Steve Jobs stated during his 2005 Stanford commencement speech with regards to a person's career path: "You cannot connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future." The dots are connected and I am eager to work with you to make your vision become a reality.

  • Web Design and Developing
  • Application Development and Testing
  • Web Content Writing and Editing
  • HTML and CSS
  • Full Stack JavaScript Development
  • Express
  • Node.js
  • pug
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobie Illustrator
Contact Info
  • 206-683-7451